Sunday, December 1, 2013

Severely , Terribly . i apologized

A countdown of eight days left.
You would probably call this as the day I became a coward towards to whole student/school society and hide myself in freaking Germany.

So let me go down with the details with you readers. I kinda develop a social anxiety towards my whole class/ school / surrounding and somehow made people unhappy with me. In short, I became this little bitchy person everyone hates. Its not that I enjoyed being bitchy or what soever. I do feel guilty after all I did and I do wanna apologize but this anxiety I'm facing right now is not helping me solving my problem. Hence, I'm stuck being depressed and guilty for my whole life.

SPM isn't over for me until the end of 5th December. WHY DOES THE GOVERMENT HAVE TO TORTURE ME LIKE THIS. WHY DOES EST HAVE TO BE ON THE 5TH DEC!???? (fyi, est is english science and technology) .The other subjects was kinda hard. yes. I'm kinda glad that my most important subjects are over but still despised the fact that I'm stuck with one more subject.

My brother already left KK for germany and now happily enjoying the snow. I kinda envy him cause he doesn't have to go through all this little dramas I have in my head right now.

Anyway, I don't wanna brag but its really lonely to be alone by yourself without people knowing the troubles and anxiety you have to hide inside.  It's really suffocating . So little tip to you all. Hug your close ones, you never know how much that would really heal/brighten their scars even though its short.

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